The hero spot, which launched February 15th on ESPN, highlights individuals who have made crucial lifestyle changes and inspired others to do the same. Its messaging invites all passionate athletes, regardless of their discipline, to unite behind the desire to transform their lives through fitness.
The spot features activities such as yoga, dancing, running, and walking and highlights and products such as Reebok's RealFlex, Zigtech, and Sublite Footwear. Reebok has also extended its support of the niche CrossFit community in the spring 2013 season, a continued effort from its 2012 "The Sport of Fitness Has Arrived" campaign.
"Live with Fire" is comprised of TV, print, digital, and OOH elements, as well as consumer events and activations. The campaign launch also includes a new Reebok Fitness app for Apple and Android, built to help users rejuvenate their workout routines and inspire creativity within various fitness activities. Reebok will also roll out a social-driven leg of the campaign via a partnership with online crowdsourcing community MOFILM. MOFILM has been tasked to identify talented, aspiring filmmakers and encourage them to create films that celebrate stories of people living every day with passion, intent, and purpose. Reebok will pull the films into an online social hub as a means to extend the #LivewithFire mantra.
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